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Playing Host To Ideas

From the head of Dan McAlister

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Random views and great music

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Playing Host To Idea’s is the brainchild of Dan McAlister, a former journalist. The show's about random views and great music.  Tune In to hear the latest from Dan's head!

The show is a mix of contemporary and older music. Dan says describes the music you are likely to hear on the show, “If it is, or it was a tune I liked, it gets played. It a mix of awesome music I have listened during the week.”

The plan is to get some live music on the show and Dan already has some people booked to play.

Listeners are already involved in the show and you can participate too. “I like listeners to participate in the show. They already do by contacting me on Twitter. It’s @DanMcAlister3 or by e-mailing

“Give it a whirl,” says Dan. “You might like it!”

Find out more about Dan, here.

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Playing Host To Ideas crew

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